PHP web developers: How to hire the best ones?

PHP web developers: How to hire the best ones?

Discover the core of PHP development and uncover the strategies to recruit elite developers skilled in this leading-edge technology.

What is PHP web development?

What is PHP web development?

PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. It offers a platform to create and run web applications across various servers, tools, and databases, furnishing developers with extensive modules, libraries, and runtime configurations for crafting applications ranging from simple websites to complex web-based software.

Central to PHP is the Zend Engine, which serves as an execution environment for running PHP scripts. The Zend Engine handles operations like memory management and provides optimized performance, ensuring the smooth and effective execution of PHP scripts.

PHP is open-source and supports integration with a variety of databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. Developers have the flexibility to mix and match with various database systems, making data operations seamless and efficient.

The PHP ecosystem comprises various tools, frameworks, and extensions such as Laravel (a web application framework), Composer (a dependency manager), and extensions like PDO for database access. These components offer developers libraries and utilities that streamline application development, boost productivity, and optimise performance.

In summary, PHP development is a powerful and prevalent approach in the web domain, empowering developers to craft reliable, scalable, and efficient web applications. Its adaptability, vast community backing, and open-source nature make it a top pick for building diverse web solutions.

Advantages of using PHP for web development

Advantages of using PHP for web development

Let us quickly understand the main advantages of using PHP for web development:

Open source

One of the most prominent features of PHP is its open-source nature. Being freely available means businesses don't have to allocate funds for licensing fees. Moreover, this open-source character encourages a community-driven approach, ensuring that improvements and updates to the language are driven by actual needs and challenges faced by developers in real-world scenarios.

Cross-platform compatibility

PHP offers broad-based platform compatibility. Whether you're working with Windows, Linux, Unix, or macOS, PHP seamlessly integrates, ensuring consistent performance. This diverse platform support means businesses have a wider choice of server and hosting solutions, potentially reducing costs and enhancing system compatibility.

Extensive community support

PHP's longevity in the web development realm has fostered a vast and active community. New developers can benefit from a plethora of tutorials, documentation, forums, and pre-built modules. Moreover, any issues or challenges faced during development often have previously documented solutions, which can speed up problem resolution and ensure a smoother development process.

Integrated database support

PHP's innate ability to integrate with several databases is noteworthy. Native support for databases like MySQL and extensions that allow connections to others such as PostgreSQL and Oracle simplifies backend development. This integration facilitates quick and efficient data operations, making it easier to create data-driven applications.

Flexibility and scalability

Some of the internet's biggest platforms, including Facebook and Wikipedia, rely on PHP. Their success is a testament to PHP's ability to scale and manage high-traffic loads, intricate functionalities, and vast databases. As businesses grow and demands evolve, PHP-based applications can adapt and scale accordingly.


PHP's ecosystem is enriched by a multitude of frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter. These frameworks provide developers with structured coding paradigms, reusable components, and tools, facilitating rapid application development. They also introduce standards that make code maintenance easier and ensure applications adhere to best security practices.

Fast development cycle

PHP aids in accelerating the development process. Especially when leveraging frameworks, developers can utilize pre-built modules, reducing the need to code from scratch. This not only trims down development timelines but also results in cost savings, allowing businesses to get their applications to market more rapidly.

Embedded capability

PHP's ability to intertwine with HTML is a distinct advantage. Developers can effortlessly embed PHP code within HTML, making it simpler to craft dynamic web content. This coexistence provides developers with unparalleled flexibility in weaving together static and dynamic web content for rich user experiences.

PHP web developers' hiring rates and costs

PHP web developers' hiring rates and costs

When it comes to hiring a PHP developer, the rates can vary significantly depending on the recruitment location. Rates are influenced by regional attributes, market demand, and the overall cost of living in each particular locale.

Consequently, understanding these variables is crucial when gauging the typical rates for hiring a PHP developer. By comprehending the subtleties of diverse recruitment regions, businesses can make enlightened decisions and adapt their hiring strategies to fit.

Western Europe

In nations such as the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and the Netherlands, PHP developer rates are usually on the higher side, ranging from $50 to $150 per hour, influenced by the developer's experience and the intricacy of the project. However, there are exceptions, such as Portugal, Spain, or Greece, where rates generally fall between $40 and $70 per hour, contingent on the level of expertise.

Northern Europe

Regions like Sweden, Denmark, and Norway also exhibit elevated rates, with skilled PHP developers commanding prices from $75 to $200 per hour. As elsewhere, these rates fluctuate based on the developer's locale, experience, and seniority.

Eastern Europe

Countries such as Poland, Ukraine, and Romania tend to be more budget-friendly relative to Western and Northern Europe. Rates here typically hover between $40 and $70 per hour. These nations house a considerable reservoir of talent, with a keen emphasis on honing skills in software programming and development.

North America

In the United States and Canada, the rates for PHP developers differ by region. Major tech epicentres like Silicon Valley, New York City, and San Francisco might see hourly rates from $100 to $200 or even higher. Meanwhile, other cities might have rates spanning $70 to $150 per hour. In urban centres such as Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal, rates for PHP developers generally fall between $50 and $120 per hour, contingent on experience and project specifics.

South America

Countries like Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Chile have PHP developer rates typically ranging between $30 and $80. This range varies based on the nation, city, and the developer's expertise and seniority. It's common for North American enterprises to recruit their development talent from these nations.

Other considerations

Bear in mind that these are approximate figures, which can oscillate based on elements like project intricacy, the type of contract (be it hourly, monthly, or fixed-price), the developer's experience, and specific project needs.

Moreover, these rates can evolve due to market trends and shifts in supply and demand. For the most accurate, current rates for PHP developers in particular areas, it's always wise to engage in exhaustive research and accumulate localized intel.

Where to hire PHP developers?

In today's cutthroat market where recruiting and retaining software development talent poses challenges, numerous avenues can guide you to the expertise essential for the fruition and execution of your projects. Here are some strategies to locate your prospective software developers.

Freelancer platforms

Platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, Toptal, and Guru are excellent arenas to present your project needs and bridge the gap with freelance PHP developers. Perusing their profiles, portfolios, and feedback ratings can grant insights, allowing you to initiate dialogues about your project directly.

Online job sites

Websites such as LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and Stack Overflow Jobs come with expansive job listings where you can advertise your PHP developer vacancies. They further equip you with refined search and filtering functionalities to scout the ideal candidates.

Developer communities and forums

Engaging in developer-centric communities and discussion boards, including GitHub, Reddit, and specialized PHP forums, can usher you towards potential PHP developers. Active participation, coupled with posts highlighting your job prerequisites, can magnetize intrigued developers.

Tech conferences and meetups

Mark your presence at tech symposiums, industrial seminars, and regional meetups pivoting around software engineering or PHP in particular. Such gatherings are fertile grounds for camaraderie and professional networking with PHP aficionados, many of whom might be scouting for career prospects.

Development firms and staffing agencies

Forming alliances with software houses or recruitment agencies that have a niche in PHP development can unlock doors to a reservoir of pre-assessed developers. They can tailor their searches to mirror your stipulations, streamlining the hiring process.

LinkedIn and social media channels

Harness the power of professional networking via platforms like LinkedIn. Delve into dedicated groups, broadcast your employment offers, and seek out PHP developers. Platforms such as Twitter and Facebook can also serve as conduits to approach developers or disseminate job adverts.

Academic institutions

Forge ties with regional universities or institutes that conduct courses in computer science or software crafting. The student populace and fresh alumni might harbour a keen interest in freelance assignments or junior roles as PHP developers.

Hire PHP developers from an outsourcing provider

When it comes to the recruitment of highly skilled PHP developers, another practical and beneficial option that businesses can explore is the engagement of outsourcing companies.

These specialized entities furnish indispensable resources and know-how in pinpointing, evaluating, and cherry-picking elite PHP developers endowed with the necessary technical prowess and experience to align with the unique requirements of the company.

By harnessing the capabilities of outsourcing firms, enterprises can access an expansive pool of adept professionals, refine the recruitment trajectory, and guarantee the onboarding of premier PHP developers poised to significantly bolster the outcomes of their software development endeavours.

Advantages of using an outsourcing provider

Advantages of using an outsourcing provider

When considering the use of a software development outsourcing provider, it is essential to explore the numerous advantages that come with this strategic decision.

In order to shed light on the subject, we have meticulously compiled a comprehensive list encompassing some of the 10 most noteworthy benefits that emerge from such a collaboration:

  • Access to a talent pool: Outsourcing companies often have access to a diverse talent pool of skilled PHP developers. They can quickly match your project requirements with suitable candidates, saving you time and effort in the recruitment process.
  • Cost savings: Outsourcing can be cost-effective compared to hiring in-house developers. Outsourcing companies are typically located in regions with lower labour costs, allowing you to access skilled PHP developers at a more affordable rate. You can save on recruitment, onboarding, infrastructure and employee benefits.
  • Expertise and experience: Outsourcing companies specialise in software development and often have a team of experienced PHP developers. They can provide you with access to developers who have worked on various projects, gaining valuable expertise and insights that can benefit your project.
  • Scalability and flexibility: Outsourcing allows you to scale your development team up or down based on project requirements. Whether you need a single developer or a dedicated team, outsourcing companies can quickly adjust the resources to match your needs, providing flexibility and agility.
  • Faster time to market: With an outsourcing company, you can accelerate your development timeline. They typically have established processes, tools and experienced developers who can efficiently handle your project, reducing time-to-market and ensuring timely delivery, as expected.
  • Focus on core competencies: By outsourcing your PHP development, you can focus on your core competencies and strategic initiatives. You can allocate more time and resources to areas that directly impact your business while leaving the technical aspects to the outsourcing company.
  • Risk mitigation: Outsourcing companies often have well-defined project management processes, quality assurance practices and risk mitigation strategies in place. They can help minimise risks associated with technology, resource availability and project delivery, ensuring a smoother development process.
  • Access to the latest technologies: Outsourcing companies stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in the software development industry, including the PHP ecosystem. They can leverage their expertise to recommend and implement the most suitable technologies for your project, keeping you competitive in the market.
  • Communication and collaboration: Reputable outsourcing companies prioritize effective communication and collaboration. They provide regular progress updates, maintain transparent communication channels and ensure that you are involved in the decision-making process throughout the project.
  • Focus on the long-term partnership: Outsourcing companies aim to build long-term partnerships with their clients. They prioritize customer satisfaction, deliver high-quality results and often offer ongoing support and maintenance services, ensuring the success and sustainability of your PHP project.

When choosing an outsourcing company, conduct thorough research, check their track record and evaluate their expertise and capabilities. Clear communication, well-defined expectations and a collaborative approach will contribute to a successful partnership with the outsourcing company and maximize the advantages of hiring PHP developers through them.

What is the difference between nearshore and offshore providers?

Differences between nearshore and offshore

If you use an outsourcing provider to hire PHP developers, you will typically end up having to choose between a nearshore provider and an offshore provider. So what are the differences between nearshore and offshore? Here are the 8 main differences to consider, when choosing the best option for you and your company:

  • Proximity and time zone: Nearshore outsourcing involves hiring developers from neighbouring countries or regions with a closer geographical and time zone proximity to your location. Offshore outsourcing, on the other hand, involves hiring developers from more distant locations with significant time zone differences. Nearshore outsourcing allows for more accessible communication, collaboration, and coordination due to overlapping working hours.
  • Cultural alignment: Nearshore outsourcing often offers a closer cultural alignment and similar work ethics compared to offshore outsourcing. The cultural similarities can facilitate smoother communication and understanding, as well as a better alignment of work practices and business values.
  • Language proficiency: Nearshore outsourcing typically provides a higher likelihood of finding developers with strong English language proficiency. This can enhance communication and minimise potential language barriers compared to offshore outsourcing, where language skills may vary more widely.
  • Cost differences: Offshore outsourcing usually offers lower labour costs compared to nearshore outsourcing. Offshore locations, often located in regions with lower wages and operating costs, can provide cost advantages in terms of developer rates and overall project expenses.
  • Travel and collaboration: Nearshore outsourcing enables easier travel and face-to-face meetings, if necessary. Proximity to your location allows for more frequent visits, on-site collaboration, and a better understanding of your business processes. Offshore outsourcing may require more planning and coordination for in-person meetings due to the greater distance involved.
  • Talent pool and expertise: Nearshore outsourcing can provide access to a talent pool with similar technical expertise and skills as your local market. Developers from nearby regions may have a better understanding of your industry and target market. Offshore outsourcing, on the other hand, can offer access to a broader talent pool, potentially providing a wider range of skills, experience levels and specialised expertise.
  • Data security and legal considerations: Nearshore outsourcing may offer more familiarity with local data protection laws and regulations, potentially providing increased data security and compliance. Offshore outsourcing may require careful consideration of data privacy laws, intellectual property rights and legal frameworks specific to the offshore location.
  • Project management and oversight: Nearshore outsourcing can allow for closer project management and oversight due to geographical proximity. Collaboration tools, regular communication and project tracking can be facilitated more effectively. Offshore outsourcing may require additional measures for project management and effective communication due to the potential time zone differences and physical distance.

The choice between nearshore and offshore outsourcing depends on your specific needs, project requirements, budget constraints, and preferences regarding communication, cultural alignment and proximity. Assessing these factors will help you determine the most suitable outsourcing approach for hiring PHP developers.

Considerations when hiring PHP developers

When hiring PHP developers, it's important to consider several key factors that can affect the hiring process. To help with this, we've listed 10 important aspects to think about. By keeping these in mind, companies can better navigate the hiring process and make decisions that fit their needs and goals:

  • Technical proficiency: PHP is a versatile language with numerous frameworks (Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter, etc.). Ensure that the developer is not only proficient in PHP but also familiar with the frameworks and tools pertinent to your project.
  • Experience and portfolio: Review past projects to gauge their capabilities. A diverse portfolio often suggests adaptability, whereas specialisation might indicate deep expertise in a particular domain.
  • Problem-solving skills: PHP development is more than just writing code. Developers should demonstrate a knack for solving problems creatively and efficiently.
  • Cultural fit and soft skills: Beyond technical acumen, the developer's communication skills, teamwork, and alignment with your company's culture are pivotal for a harmonious working environment.
  • Understanding of full-stack Development: If your project demands, ensure the PHP developer knows the backend. A grasp of front-end technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS can be invaluable.
  • Ongoing learning and adaptability: The tech field is ever-evolving. Prioritise developers committed to continuous learning, staying updated with the latest PHP and web development trends.
  • Security practices: Given the multitude of cybersecurity threats today, ensure your PHP developer follows best practices in coding to minimise vulnerabilities.
  • Testimonials and references: Reach out to past clients or employers to gain insights into the developer's work ethic, reliability, and collaboration style.
  • Cost considerations: While you shouldn't compromise quality for cost, it's essential to ensure the developer's rates align with your budget. Always remember, the cheapest option isn't always the best, nor is the most expensive necessarily the most skilled.
  • Post-deployment support: Development doesn't end once a site or application goes live. Check if the developer provides support, maintenance, or updates after the launch, ensuring smooth operation and addressing potential issues promptly.

Hiring a PHP developer is a critical decision, and these considerations can guide you in making an informed choice that aligns with your project's goals and the larger vision of your organization.

Hire PHP developers in Argentina, Portugal and Romania

Hire PHP developers in Argentina, Portugal and Romania

At Share IT, we take pride in offering PHPT development services and providing highly skilled PHP developers from our outsourcing development centres located in Argentina, Portugal, and Romania. These countries have been carefully chosen as strategic destinations due to the wealth of talent and resources they offer.

Argentina stands out as an exceptional market for PHP development. With a large pool of skilled developers, Argentina provides an attractive combination of technical expertise and cost-effectiveness. Our talented Argentinean developers are well-versed in the latest PHP trends and possess a solid foundation in software development principles. Their proficiency in English and cultural alignment with Western countries ensure smooth communication and collaboration with international clients.

Portugal, on the other hand, offers a range of unique advantages. As a nearshore destination in Europe, Portugal boasts a skilled workforce of PHP developers who possess both technical excellence and proficiency in English. The country's proximity to major European cities allows for convenient travel and on-site visits, fostering stronger relationships and direct communication. Portugal's stable business environment and high-quality infrastructure further make it an outsourcing destination for PHP web development projects.

Romania, known for its strong IT industry, is a valuable resource for PHP development talent. The country has gained recognition for its highly skilled professionals who excel in various software development technologies, including PHP. Romanian developers are known for their technical expertise and the ability to deliver high-quality solutions. With cost advantages compared to Western European countries, Romania offers a compelling proposition for businesses seeking skilled PHP developers at competitive rates.

Businesses can tap into these countries' unique strengths and benefits by leveraging our outsourcing centres in Argentina, Portugal, and Romania. Whether cost-effectiveness, technical expertise, cultural alignment, or proximity to major markets, Share IT ensures access to the right talent and resources tailored to specific development needs.

Our team of skilled PHP developers are equipped to deliver top-notch solutions while providing seamless communication, collaboration and reliable support throughout the project lifecycle.

In summary, Share IT's PHP development services and our outsourcing centres in Argentina, Portugal and Romania offer businesses a wide range of advantages. With a large pool of skilled PHP developers available at competitive rates, companies can leverage the unique strengths of each country to find the perfect match for their specific development requirements.

Our conclusion

In conclusion, the merits of utilizing PHP for web development and recruiting PHP developers are numerous. By embracing the capabilities of PHP, enterprises can exploit a resilient and adaptable framework to craft a diverse array of web applications. The global reservoir of PHP developers provides a vast talent arena for recruitment, ensuring the availability of seasoned professionals equipped with a myriad of skills.

Engaging PHP developers carries manifold advantages. These adept individuals have a deep-rooted comprehension of the PHP landscape, empowering them to create efficient, scalable, and secure web solutions. Their proficiency in scripting with PHP and acquaintance with associated tools and databases render them indispensable for any web development endeavour.

Moreover, the ubiquity of PHP developers across the globe allows businesses to access a worldwide talent repository. This translates to organizations having the latitude to scout and enlist PHP developers from diverse geographic terrains, bestowing them with cost-effectiveness, time zone harmony, and cultural synergy. It paves the way for groundbreaking collaboration, ingenuity, and the prospects of establishing a top-tier web development brigade.

The boons of hiring PHP developers transcend mere technical acumen. They introduce innovative problem-solving approaches, versatility, and stellar communication skills. Their propensity for team-based work and enhancing group dynamics ensures a seamless development trajectory and triumphant project realizations.

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